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Check out the awe-inspiring INFINITI QX60, available at AutoNation INFINITI Tustin. With its riveting exterior and spacious, yet lush interior, the INFINITI QX60 provides best-in-class safety features, parallel to none. Equipped with motion-activated liftgate and easy steering, this crossover provides an excellent drive. Our exciting deals and specials on this crossover are also worth checking out. Here are a few of the reasons drivers in California love the INFINITI QX60:
• The is reliable, handles precisely, and is an ideal crossover for a weekend getaway.
• Featuring three full rows of seating and space for seven passengers, there is more than enough space for the whole family.
• A 295hp 3.5L V6 engine and rear-wheel drive come with the base model, but you can choose all-wheel drive for added power.
• A hands-free lift gate and fold-able second and third row seats make storage convenient.
• Tech-friendly safety features like Lane Departure Warning and Prevention will help to prevent accidents on the road.
Browse our offering of new crossovers in Tustin and select the color and upgrades that are perfect for your lifestyle. To test drive the , give us a call at 844-942-1486 or send us an email. Or if you're in the Orange County or Santa Ana areas simply visit AutoNation INFINITI Tustin and get your hands on the new INFINITI QX60 today!
Learn more: See the latest QX60 updates from our 2025 INFINITI QX60 Dealership in Tustin, California, including specifications, photos and available inventory for sale.
• The is reliable, handles precisely, and is an ideal crossover for a weekend getaway.
• Featuring three full rows of seating and space for seven passengers, there is more than enough space for the whole family.
• A 295hp 3.5L V6 engine and rear-wheel drive come with the base model, but you can choose all-wheel drive for added power.
• A hands-free lift gate and fold-able second and third row seats make storage convenient.
• Tech-friendly safety features like Lane Departure Warning and Prevention will help to prevent accidents on the road.
Browse our offering of new crossovers in Tustin and select the color and upgrades that are perfect for your lifestyle. To test drive the , give us a call at 844-942-1486 or send us an email. Or if you're in the Orange County or Santa Ana areas simply visit AutoNation INFINITI Tustin and get your hands on the new INFINITI QX60 today!
Learn more: See the latest QX60 updates from our 2025 INFINITI QX60 Dealership in Tustin, California, including specifications, photos and available inventory for sale.